Contoh Abstrak Terlengkap

Contoh Abstrak Penelitian


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Contoh Abstrak Tugas Akhir Akuntansi



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris pengaruh pengalaman audit, keahlian audit, tekanan ketaatan, dan locus of control terhadap audit judgment yang diambil oleh auditor. Analisis ini menggunakan variabel independen yaitu pengalaman audit, keahlian audit, tekanan ketaatan, dan locus of control. Variabel dependennya adalah audit judgment.

Sampel penelitian ini adalah auditor yang bekerja pada Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) RI Perwakilan Provinsi DIY. Sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposivesampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner disebarkan langsung ke auditor sebanyak 35 kuesioner. Metode statistik menggunakan Analisis Regresi Linear Berganda, dengan pengujian hipotesis uji statistik t.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman audit, keahlian audit, dan locus of control secara signifikan positif mempengaruhi audit judgment yang diambil auditor, tekanan ketaatan secara signifikan negatif mempengaruhi auditjudgment yang diambil oleh auditor, tapi kompleksitas tugas tidak secara signifikan mempengaruhi auditjudgmentyang diambil oleh auditor.

Kata kunci: audit judgment, pengalaman audit, keahlian audit, tekanan ketaatan, kompleksitas tugas, dan locus of control.


This research was aimed to examine empirically the effect of audit experience, audit expertise, pressure obedience, the complexity of the task, and locus of control on the audit judgment taken by the auditor. The analysis used an independent variable of audit experience, audit expertise, pressure obedience, the complexity of the task, and

locus of control. The dependent variable is audit judgment. The sample of this research are auditors who worked on Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) Representative of DIY Province.

The sample was conducted by purposive sampling method. Collecting data was conducted by a questionnaire

distributed directly to auditors as much 35 questionnaires. The statistical method used was multiplied analysis linear regression, with hypotheses testing of statistic t-tests.

The result of this research showed that audit experience, audit expertise, and locus of control significantly positive affect audit judgment taken by the auditor. Pressure obedience significantly negative affect audit judgment was taken by the auditor, but the complexity of the task didn’t significantly affect audit judgment taken by the auditor.

Keywords: audit judgment, audit experience, audit expertise, pressure obedience, the complexity of the task, and locus of control

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Contoh Abstrak Tugas Akhir Teknik Elektro



The needs of the electrical energy that increase continuously every year in Indonesia and many of the development of industrial development in order to improve the economy of Indonesia. Therefore the government should be better in the electricity distribution system to consumers both the public and the industry in SUTT 150kV.

In the distribution of electricity transmission network is in the pipe from the power plants to customers have lost power caused some disorders that occur on the transmission channels. With more length conductor make power compensation be greater. So the purpose of this research is to calculate the power is lost in the transmission channel SUTT 150kV. The counting

The counting was done the highest power compensation and compensation transmission power. The highest voltage fall is Saguling Baloi path to Saguling great stone of 0.175 % and adds with existing transmission on the moon February 2016 of 303,380.33 KWh so that if in rupiah Rp 390,450,484.71. So from the final conclusion that adds with existing happens in Batam continued to fall to 1 % invulnerable time 1 years.

Keywords: power compensation

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Contoh Abstrak Tugas Akhir Teknik Mesin



Transport company launched a four-wheeled vehicle with an engine that is capable of working at low speed and high speed. VTEC enhance enterprise by combining VTC (variable timing control) of the merger of these two technologies to create i-VTEC (intelligent variable-valve timing and lift electronic control). IVTEC technology is used to increase the power at low, medium and high speeds at the same time improve fuel efficiency and reduce exhaust emissions, i-VTEC only works on the intake valve. Basic overview i-VTEC is optimizing the engine torque at any speed and condition of the driver can produce an efficient fuel consumption and emission levels are very low.

I-VTEC engine of 1500 CC four-wheeled vehicle in 2013 as a test engine in this study. Tests performed a total of seven (7) times by using a dynamometer and test equipment AFR. The results of the testing in the form of a graphic image is then performed calculations to determine the power, torque, and AFR by using statistical plot digitizer software. Part of the process of fuel consumption on the research done by direct testing on the Ring Road Yogyakarta.

The results of the research power and torque produced by using premium fuel are lower than the manufacturer’s specifications with pertamax fuel. Maximum power for premium fuels 81.86 (hp) at engine speed 4694 (rpm) and maximum torque of 93.7 (Nm) at engine speed 3546 (rpm), while data from the manufacturer’s specifications with fuel pertamax ie maximum power of 120 (hp) at engine speed 6600 (rpm) and maximum torque of 145 (Nm) at engine speed 4800 (rpm). The results for fuel consumption by using premium fuel that is 15.46 (Km / liter) and a maximum AFR is 14.7 kg of air per 1 kg of fuel.

Keywords: i-VTEC engine technology, power, torque, fuel consumption, AFR (Air Fuel Ratio).

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Contoh Abstrak Laporan Penelitian



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis profitability, leverage, growth, dan free cash flow terhadap dividen payout ratio perusahaan dengan mempertimbangkan corporate governance sebagai variabel intervening. Subjek penelitian ini adalah perusahaan yang dirangking oleh Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance (IICG) tahun 2006-2011 yang mempublikasikan laporan keuangan di 31 Desember.

Sampel penelitian ini adalah 81 perusahaan yang dipilih dengan purposivesamplingmethod. Alat analisis adalah simpleregression dan pathanalysis. Penelitian ini menemukan hanya tiga hipotesis yang diterima, hipotesis lainnya ditolak.

Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa profitability tidak berpengaruh terhadap dividend payout ratio, leverage berpengaruh negatif terhadapdividen payout ratio, growth berpengaruh negatif terhadap dividend payment ratio, free cash flow berpengaruh positif terhadap dividend payout ratio, tidak ada pengaruh positif probitability terhadap corporate governance. Leverage positif mempengaruhi corporategovernance, growth tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap corporategovernance. Free cash flow tidak berpengaruh terhadap corporate governance, corporate governance tidak berpengaruh terhadap dividend payout ratio, dan corporategovernance diterima untuk ditambahkan dalam model sebagai variabel intervening.

Kata kunci: dividend payout ratio (DPR), profitability (ROA), leverage (DER), growth (GROWTH),

free cash flow (FCF), Corporate Governance (CG)

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Contoh Abstrak Bahasa Inggris



Fitness is body capability to adjust organs’ function toward environments and activities undertaken without having severe fatigue that can be recovered and do another physical activity well. Training Fitness is one of the preventive efforts to maintain healthiness. Fitness can be achieved when physical activities such as exercise were done in routine. Woman with fat to muscle ratio that have a more fat ratio, really need exercise to increase fitness. Increase fitness can be done by doing activities such as aerobic gymnastics or yoga, so it is necessary to study about fitness in women who do yoga and aerobic gymnastics. This

This study aims to know the differences of fitness level between women participant of yoga and aerobic gymnastics in aerobic studio named Bellina Yogyakarta. This study is quantitative comparative study and used cross-sectional study design. A population that been used are women participant in Bellina Yogyakarta aerobic studio. The sample that taken as much as 64 people by non-random sampling technique that consists of 32 people participant of yoga exercise and 32 participants of aerobic gymnastics. Study instrument that been used is Harvard bench, metronome, and stopwatch. Data analysis has been used is independent t-test to know the differences between the variables whether it’s valuable or no.

The result of study using independent t test showing Value of P 0,004 (p<0,005) which mean there are differences in fitness level between women who participate in yoga and aerobic gymnastics in Bellina Yogyakarta aerobic studio that is women who participate in aerobic gymnastic significantly have better fitness level compared to women who participate in yoga. A number of aerobic gymnastics participants with good fitness level is 10 people (31,3%) and on yoga, participant is 6 people (18,8%)

Keyword: fitness, woman, yoga, aerobic gymnastics.

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3 thoughts on “Contoh Abstrak Terlengkap

  1. Raymon Latch says:

    With thanks! Valuable information!

  2. Myrtle Cella says:

    What’s up, after reading this awesome piece

  3. With thanks! Valuable information!

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